We get you the best talent up to 60% less of what it would cost you in the US.
finding you the best talent in Latin America for your company.
Tell us your email address and within 2 minutes you will receive an email with a video presentation of our services.
Why Ekalon full-time?
I no longer worry about leaves of absence or whether the country's legislation affects me in one way or another.
I am pleased with the service.
Natalia Olmo
Maminat Founder
It's not just about saving, it's about quality. We know how to find high-performance remote candidate profiles
This is how we find the best professionals for your company
Inbound Recruiting
Our HR team is continuously searching and interviewing candidates. We work a variant of Inbound Recruiting to always have the best talent available for your company.
Description of the job position
You will be asked for all the information about the position and desired characteristics through a specific form, for each vacancy. This part of the process can only be developed by you. It is important and crucial that you dedicate the time and care necessary for us to find the best match for your company.
Review of the offer
We carefully review the form we receive.
Before we start our machinery, we make sure that the information about the position you have shared is clear and sufficient to attract the best talent to apply for the offer. In case there are doubts or improvements that can be applied, we will propose a 15-minute interview between our teams.
Verification of the offer
A 15-minute interview is conducted with the person leading this process in the company, in order to verify that the profile being sought has been correctly understood.
This step is not necessary 100% of the time.
We start looking for the best talent
We publish the job offer in different portals and countries in Latin America; we also search in our own data base.
Our HR team makes sure that your offer reaches as many professionals as possible, whether or not they are looking for a job at the moment. Our goal is to find the best professional for your company.
First filter - Killer questions
We filter the hundreds of candidates that apply to the position. Through a specialized HR software, we carry out killer questions in order to make a first screening of the applicants.
Second filter - Automatic video interview
Applicants who pas the first cut of killer questions, access a series of automatic video interviews specific for each position. Theses allow us, in les than 5 minutes, to validate crucial concepts and characteristics such as the level of a spoken language or how the candidate communicates, without wasting the candidate’s time with a one to one interview.
Third filter - 2-hour exercise
The next step is to perform a series of exercises specific for each position and needs requested by the company.
There are approximately 2 hours of exercises that will allow us to understand the candidate’s level beyond what they put on their resume. We have exercises developed for each position, but if the client wants, we can change them for theirs.
Fist interview - Technical interview
We conduct a fist interview with those candidates who have correctly completed the exercises. Here, we evaluate their resume, review the exercises performed and verify that the technical knowledge they claim to have beyond the exercises is true and to what extent.
It is an interview of approximately 30 minutes in which we will also assess whether the candidate is suitable to pass for a psycho-technical test.
Second interview - Psycho-technical test
Those candidates who pass the first technical interview, will have a second interview with a psychologist where we will also perform a psycho-technical test.
We are looking for a great professional talent, and a stable person. We take advantage of these tests to measure behaviors, abilities, and skills that are difficult to validate in a standard interview.
Third interview - Tactical interview
All candidates who have successfully passed all the phases of the process up to this point, go to a personal interview with a specialist in these types of interviews.
For approximately 45 minutes, we will check how this candidate could behave in a real work environment, work under pressure, communicate…
Test Camp - Real work with Ekalon
Test Camp paid by Ekalon of between 10 and 20 hours.
The best way to validate a candidate is to see them work, so that’s what we do before introducing them to you. We have developed a series of Test Camps where the candidates work with us directly and where we assess a number of characteristics and qualities that may go unnoticed during interviews or in a 2-hour exercise.
Final interviews with the client
The client interviews the candidates presented by Ekalon.
The 3 to 5 candidates who score best at the Test Camp are introduced to the company so you can interview them and select the professional/s you want to incorporate to your team.
Candidate selection
Select the candidate you want to incorporate into your to your team.
You let us know the exact date you want the candidate to start working and we will put you in contact and organize everything necessary for this.
Payment of the service
The company pays on the 1st of every month.
The professional gets paid monthly in arrears.
This way, we act as a bridge so that the professional ensures their payment if the work is done and the company is ensured that the professional won’t get paid until the work is done.
We are your international recruitment agency.
More than 1,500 candidate profiles that have passed all our filters, are waiting for you in our database.
My experience with Ekalon has been fantastic. We have several marketing people, they are very professional and competent people, and they do a great job for us.
Rafael Loza
CEO Tasfor Group & Quécomparo.es
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services affecting you?
Calculate your savings
How much money could you have saved annually?
Calculate how much you can save on personnel costs per year using the Ekalon method with your remote team
Savings calculator
This calculator shows you how much you can save per year with Ekalon’s outsourcing, that allows you to have more flexibility and profitability for your company.
Fill the information and find out.
The result will surprise you
Annual calculation result
Reduce your personnel costs without reducing your structure
Don't be left with doubts...
Yes, 100% fro you.
Yes, totally.
We only need a 15-day advance notice
There is no penalty or extra fee for cancelling the service.
You don’t have to worry about that.
With our outsourcing system, you don’t have to worry about social security or income taxes. You will be billed as an external service, such as an accounting firm.
Of course.
We will send you 3 professional profiles for you to interview and select which one you want for the job.
We don’t do that; you will have to control your team.
From Ekalon, we can recommend and provide you with software for remote team control.
Between 2 and 4 weeks.
Depending on the professional profile you need, it can take from 2 to 4 weeks.
We will look for professional profiles according to your needs and that they can adjust their working schedules to what your company needs.
Through credit or debit card.
You register on our website and then, you will be charged automatically on the 1st of every month.
The cost of the professional profile varies according to the position we are looking for and the necessary experience you have requested.
We recommend you to visit the “Profiles and costs” section to find more information about this subject.
Tell us your email address and within 2 minutes you will receive an email with a video presentation of our services.